Supported Employment Program
Our Goal
Goodwill’s Supported Employment Programs (SEP) help adults to obtain and retain employment through the use of effective ongoing support services. The Supported Employment Program gives adults with disabilities the opportunity to work and earn valuable skills and wages. Work is performed in Goodwill’s retail stores throughout the region with a Goodwill job coach. Additional elements provided to all participants are work readiness training, case management, and a supportive work atmosphere.
Course Description
In the DRS-funded program, participants receive vocational janitorial training, job development, and employment in a supported work environment with the main goal of transitioning into integrated community employment and working successfully on their own. Work readiness skills and job development are two major components that each participant will receive. There is no fee for individuals to enter this program.
Course Components
- Work Readiness Skills Attainment: This program is designed to prepare participants for community employment. On the job training, communications skills, working within a team, time management skills, work culture, attendance, hygiene, work appropriate attire, and problem solving skills are skills that are being observed and measured for proficiency.
Evidence: Work Readiness Assessment –completed within the first 2 weeks of start date and again at 6 months to assess skill level
- Job Development Activities: This program emphasizes on teaching participants job seeking skills through weekly 1:1 job development activities. Some job activities that are addressed are; creating a resume, preparing work documents such as an ID card, filling out job applications, interest inventories, and performing mock interviews.
Evidence: Documented weekly case notes, mock interview forms, paper and electronic copy of Resume, completed job applications
- Supported Employment Supports:This program offers many supports and services to its participants. Some include; job coaching, job creation, job accommodations, building in natural supports, mentoring, and job site analysis. Once transited to a community job, on-going supports and on site job coaching are two key elements to a participant’s success.
Evidence: Policy and Procedure manual, documented weekly case notes, on site job coaching
- Employment Forms and New Hire Paperwork: This program is an employment program and participants learn to fill out and familiarize themselves with new hire paperwork such as the I-9 and W-4 forms during the Intake Meeting before participants start in the program.
Evidence: Completion of W-4 form and I-9 form
A three year CARF Accreditation was awarded to Goodwill for this program in 2018, 2021, and 2024 which is official recognition that the organization is guided by internationally recognized service standards and best practices.
DRS Supported Employment Scope of Services
Goodwill’s Supported Employment Program (SEP) is a supported work program operated by Goodwill Industries. Supported Employment is a service designed to assist adults with disabilities to obtain and retain employment through the use of effective ongoing support services.
There is no fee for individuals to enter into the program. The funding for this program is from the State of Illinois, Department of Human Services-Division of Rehabilitation Services and the Blazer Foundation.
In this program, participants receive vocational janitorial training, job development, and employment in a supported work environment. Participants will learn and earn and will work with their Job Coach to transition to community integrated employment. Participants work 4-6 hours a week performing janitorial duties and each participant will also receive one hour each week of one on one job development time with the Job Coach.
The program is at Goodwill’s Freeport, Sterling, Rockford, McHenry, Huntley, Crystal Lake, Beloit, Machesney Park, and Ottawa retail store locations.
Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois works with individuals and help them reach their goals collaboratively.
Scope of Services – Supported Employment (SEP)
Goodwill’s Supported Employment Program (SEP) is a supported work program operated by Goodwill Industries. Supported Employment is a service designed to assist adults with disabilities to obtain and retain employment through the use of effective ongoing support services
- Population Served: Supported Employment is a service designed to assist adults with disabilities to obtain and retain employment through the use of effective ongoing support services.
- Settings: Participants receive janitorial and retail training, job development, and employment in a supported work environment. Participants will learn and earn and will work with their Employment Specialist to transition to community integrated employment.
- Hours and Days of Services: Hours and days may vary by participant; however, program operation is typically Monday-Friday between 8am-4:30pm
- Frequency of Services: Participants work generally, 8-10 hours a week performing janitorial and retail duties at Goodwill as part of their work experience. The work experience can last up to 6 months. If a participant has not found a community integrated job after 6 months, their work experience will end. However, participants will continue to receive job development services. Job Development starts at the beginning of services and each participant will receive 30 minutes to one hour of one-on-one job development time each week with the Employment Specialist.
- Payers & Funding Sources: The funding for this program is from the State of Illinois, Department of Human Services-Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS-VR).
- Fees: There is no fee for referred individuals to enter into the program.
- Referral Sources: Goodwill has a contract with the State of Illinois and the Department of Human Services-Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS-VR) for referrals into the program.
- Specific Services Offered: In this program, Goodwill provides services directly to participants including short-term work-experiences, job development, interview preparation, resume assistance, job coaching, and referrals to community resources. There is also a virtual job club offered weekly. If participants wants to join the zoom job club, the Employment Specialist will teach them how to join.
- No Medication Policy: Goodwill Staff may not give any medication to participants under any circumstances. Staff may not store medication, give medication reminders, or monitor medication in any way. This includes prescription medications and over the counter medications.
- Expected Outcomes: 75% of placed participants maintain employment for 120 days, 70% of Customers are on the waiting list no longer than 60 days, 80% of participants surveyed report being satisfied with the program on satisfaction surveys
This Supported Employment Program operates in the following locations: (Hours and days may vary by participant). Please see the Employment Services or District Lead for hours of operation:
Machesney Park
Address: 8010 N. 2nd Street, Machesney Park, IL 61115
Phone Number: 779-210-8556
Monday thru Friday: Between 8am and 8pm
Address: 2216 East 4th Street, Sterling, IL 61081
Phone Number: 815-213-7222
Monday thru Friday: Between 8am and 8pm
Address: 2030 Galena Avenue, Freeport, IL 61032
Phone Number: 815-232-7642
Monday thru Friday: Between 8am and 8pm
Are you a young adult transitioning out of high school and looking for resources for your next step? Check out the transition resource guide put together by the Transition Planning Committee of Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle counties here: TRANSITION RESOURCE GUIDE
Goodwill is part of the Transition Planning Committee in our communities. Please see the Boone/Winnebago/Ogle County Transition webpage for information on services available for young adults transitioning from high school to their next step. www.transitionwbo.org